
Living Sacrifice x UPPERROOM

“At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.” 

Genesis 3:7 (New Living Translation)

I see “public ministry” as a fig tree.

The Father plants fig trees with the intention of fruit production. The leaves are part of the growth cycle, providing a means for pollination, growth, and readiness. The leaves are meant to signal the evolvement of a soon-to-be ripe tree. But what happens when the tree doesn’t take advantage of the season it was planted in? The climate coupled with the tree’s surroundings may lead to an overproduction of leaves— deceiving the naked eye from discerning the lack of decadence, prosperity, well-being, and security marked by large, luscious figs hanging off its stems. The purpose of the leaves is perverted— growing to hide rather than make room. Consumers, believing an abundance of leaves points to an abundance of fruit, will be drawn to what appears to carry nourishment.

How disappointing to realize the only nourishment this tree could provide was an overflow of shame and deception.

Imagine if this tree found beauty and confidence in its barren season, trusting that the Source of its life would honor its honesty and use the little it had to produce much. Rather than an overproduction of useless leaves, there would be an overproduction of pollinated flowers— blossoming in its time to signal the continuation of goodness and mercy. Producers, navigating their own individual seasons with the Planter, would be encouraged by the process.

How life-giving to know that the God over barrenness is also the God over fruitfulness. 

He honors what is uncovered, exalting mercy over shame. 

As I’ve entered into what could be considered “public” ministry, I’ve been challenged by the transparency and vulnerability necessary to be effective and reflective of the glory of God. There’s a weight attached to all this. I believe it’s the same weight that led Adam and Eve to sew fig leaves together. The weight is a deep realization of the life you have lived in light of what God has created you to be. From the point of revelation, you have two options: be covered or uncovered.

You could either trust the work of your hands by sewing clothing appealing to onlookers and disguising reality. Or you can submit to the nakedness, which demands truth and genuine repentance before the God who created you for intimacy.

Adam and Eve chose the first option: to be covered. As the story goes on, we see where this decision leads them and the generational ramifications it causes. However, another Adam soon comes into the picture, redeeming their decision and all of our future decisions. 

We live in a world where being covered is advertised as safety. Being covered has even become synonymous with success, fame, and influence. To elevate to new heights and soar above your peers, sew fig leaves together. Hide the sin. Some have made their fig leaves beautiful. They’ve embellished and designed them to fit particular tastes. Some have even marketed their fig leaves, deceiving others into the business of prioritizing external appearance over internal health. But I believe God has called His remnant to be uncovered.

Naked and unafraid.



When He returns for His bride, will He have to search for her behind a mess of leaves? 

Once His bride is laid bare, will He know her? 

Of course not, if the purity of their relationship was a facade. 

When God returns for His bride, He wishes to find her heart unveiled— branded by the process of their authentic relationship. He wishes to know her intimately, invited into every season of preparation for their wedding day. A bride who refused to hide but was quick to repent and proclaim the goodness of her Groom.

I’ve entered into what the world might define as “public” ministry, but I believe we’re all called to public ministry. We’re all called to be uncovered. To share our testimonies, no matter how messy or chaotic they may be. Our platforms may look different and our reach may vary but we all possess tongues of fire, burning with the mission of Kingdom advancement. We are all fig trees on display, showcasing the miraculous nature of salvation and the purifying nature of sanctification.

The world may advertise safety one way but true safety is found in transparency because that’s where God dwells. And because God dwells in transparency, there’s power there. Our power lies in transparency. God can use leaves but He delights in fruit. In season and out of season— when we’re on fire for Him and when we’ve neglected to fan the flame— He longs for us to be uncovered.

Show it all to Him. Surrender it all to Him. Allow Him to showcase His radiance right where you are, as you are. 

Leaves are a pleasant sight to the eye but the process of fruit production is satisfying to the soul. And this world is desperately crying out for their souls to be satisfied. 

The enemy’s tactics haven’t changed. He is actively convincing children of God that shame is their portion. There have been times when I’ve second-guessed releasing some stories out of fear and shame. But in instances where I’ve felt the most fear/shame yet still obeyed God, He was magnified beyond what I could’ve ever imagined. Therefore, I’ve committed myself to a life uncovered— being an open book detailing every season to communicate the love, transcendence, goodness, and faithfulness of the Lord God Almighty. It’s not easy but I’d rather live in the light of barrenness than in the shadows of lavish leaves. Pushing against that difficulty gives us potency. It may sound like an oxymoron but such is the Kingdom of God.

I believe what the Christian culture is currently experiencing is a direct consequence of covered lives. Eventually, Jesus will desire to pull fruit from a tree impersonating fruitfulness out of season— not because He’s clueless but because He’s a gracious God who will not stand for the malnourishment of His house. 

“The next morning as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. He noticed a fig tree in full leaf a little way off, so he went over to see if he could find any figs. But there were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit. Then Jesus said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat your fruit again!’ And the disciples heard him say it.” (Mark 11:12-14, NLT)

Notice how the passage says, “There were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit.” The overproduction of leaves portrays a reality that is not reality at all. But only the discerning eye will be able to account for the season and deduce that to the tree’s maturity. 

Be wise and be uncovered. Choose not to portray what isn’t as if it is. 

Shame will creep in to convince you otherwise. Adam and Eve ran from shame, sewing together fig leaves for clothes. The second Adam, Christ, took His nakedness to the cross— modeling for others to do the same. 

Choose to be like Christ. A life modeled after Christ will give you all that the world promises yet can’t deliver. 

You’ll also find that when covered things become uncovered, the world will reject them. 

God sent His Son for them.

Choose to be like Christ. Following Christ leads you to endless grace and redemptive power.




El Kanna